In past few years friendster had top social networking sites from others. It was the hottest of new comer’s social networking sites back in the year 2004. But sad to say Friendster had lost its track on the game and now its only part of the history.
According to only 0.4 percnt of Internet users are visitng friendster, ranking it as the 164th most popular site globally. Still Friendster had managed to build a strong follower in Asia , particularly in Indonesia , Malaysia and Philippines that accounts for almost 60 percent of the Friendster user.
And whats new with Friendsetr?
A Malaysian Tycoon named Vincent Tan bought Friendster . Recently he announced the deal to buy Friendster. And now as Friendster owned by a Malaysian with an online capabilities, the must adopt the new trends of what Facebook does have, its user friendliness and being a dynamic site. And expecting also tons of advertisement from Malaysian company.